Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery
Sponsored by The Sisters of St. Basil the Great
Uniontown PA
Photo by Megan Swaney, Fayette County Beautiful Facebook
Photo by Megan Swaney, Fayette County Beautiful Facebook
Photo by Megan Swaney, Fayette County Beautiful Facebook


Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery is a Sacred Place

where all who have gone before us await their glorious resurrection in Christ. 
We believe and  bear witness that "Christ is risen from the dead, and has conquered death"!  

We believe that we also will rise to eternal life on the last day.

A cemetery is a place not only for the dead, but also very much a place for the living.
             It is a space not only to grieve, remember, and pray for loved ones, it is a sacred space to reflect on our unique pilgrimage to the heart of God. 

Articles for Reflection...More to come...
The Mystery of Death
Very Rev. David M. Petras, S.E.O.D.
A Place of Hope
Metropolitan Archbishop William C. Skurla, D.D.
The Life of the World to Come
Very Rev. David M. Petras, S.E.O.D.
"Eternal Memory"
Very Rev. John S. Custer, SSL, STD
I Am Making Everything New
Most Rev. Archbishop George D. Gallaro
Death as the Kiss of God
Sr. Veridiana Bolfa-Otic , OSBM
Grief - Loss of a Spouse
Bob Grip
On Being the End of the Line
Sr. Margaret Kapusnak, OSBM
Sr. Elaine Kisinko, OSBM
Take Me Home
Reverend Jerome Botsko
Sr. Barbara Jean Mihalchick, OSBM
Community of the Faithful Departed
Rev. Stephen J. Wahal
The Hope We Have Received
Reverend James Spontak
When Death Comes
Sr. Seraphim Olsafsky, OSBM

Columbarium Installation
All Set!
Benches Installation
Please Note...
New Dormition Section Open
The new Dormition Sections East and West are now available. See Menu- Offerings- Dormition Section for further information and pricing.
New: Two 64 Single Niche Columbaria
In Section above, Bishops, Clergy, Religious & Laity offer writings, with varied perspectives on loss, death & dying. May you find inspiration, strength & hope for your journey.
Music for Quiet Reflection
For quiet times of prayer or reflection throughout the day: select Menu Tab above, then Media, Videos...
Cemetery Rates
See Menu - Offerings - Cemetery - Scroll down for information.
Ever Wonder Who Plants and Cares for the Flowers at the Cemetery?
Linda Zungri and Gerry Dorobish

Before the last frost of the season, Linda and Gerry make their entrance, checking out the weather and the grounds! They are always eager to start the planting. Throughout the spring and summer, they can be found planting new flowers, checking the shrines, weeding, and watering. Nothing escapes their eagle eyes. It seems safe to say they love Mt. St. Macrina.
Two real sisters who are "sisters" to the Sisters at Mt. St. Macrina.


For many years all our wonderful volunteers have come to prepare areas of the cemetery for planting and planning. They not only plant but weed and water in sunshine, humidity, and cooler weather conditions. Perhaps you or your family would like to join us next spring in caring for one of the areas in the cemetery. Just contact the Cemetery Office and make your willingness to help known. We would love to have you.


Early in the morning, one might find Bobbi tending plants at the Cemetery's Main Entrance, and other areas as needed. Bobbi's fellow-helpers always say "Bobbi" has the green thumb. Matt Skovera, Bobbi's husband, quietly comes and goes as he weed whacks several areas around the Mausoleum, particularly the Columbarium. His contributions are very appreciated.
Applying Their Magic Touch


Throughout the four seasons, either Thomas or Mary Jewell Palya can be found at the Shrine. They plant, weed, water, and maintain this lovely area, They have added little touches of beauty to the area regularly. We are grateful to them and to the Uniontown Knights of Columbus 1275, who continue to be generously supportive of the Shrine and its upkeep. Mr. Thomas Palya is a member of the Uniontown Knights.
Thomas and Mary Jewell Payla


Ron Metros generously saw the need, and came to the rescue. Throughout the excessive heat and humidity of July, 2022, Ron hitched up the water tank and early each morning watered the flowers throughout the cemetery, keeping them fresh and thriving.. Ron is the son of the late +John Metros. John was the person mainly responsible for excavating and preparing the land for the cemetery's first expansion. He was a dear and generous friend to the Sisters of St Basil. May his memory be eternal


Everyone helps everyone. Thank you for all your time and cheerful willingness to beautify Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery. You help make the Cemetery a sacred and fitting resting place for all our departed loved ones. Although so much of what you do is not often seen, the Lord knows and will not be outdone in His generosity.


Metropolitan Archeparchy of Pittsburgh


Sisters of St. Basil the Great


Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma


Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic




Thank you to GCU, our corporate sponsor.

  A Quiet Space...
A Quiet Space...
A Quiet Space...
Mailing Address
Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery
500 West Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Email, Phone, and Fax
724-439-4484 (Phone)
724-439-4484 (Fax)

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 Mt. St. Macrina Cemetery | Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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